December 10, 2021


Hello, I am a Human Person, 

Hope you're all doing well. This post essentially says; I'm back.

I don't like to make these sort of blog update posts but I feel like I owe you an explanation on what's been happening and the future of the blog. Expect this post to be temporary as I don't want it to be permanent. I'll probably replace it with a caption of some kind.

For a few months now posts have been blank, I'm sorry, I wanted to have at least one post a month but I lost a lot of motivation to write because other things had my attention. However, starting today I will be posting again.

I'll be working my way up to this post, slowly but steadily adding captions where they should be on the blank posts.

I knew very early on this year that doing the 'specials' - as I've come to be known for - would become impractical to keep up with. Captions take longer to write and edit and I have high standards for my work. I no longer feel as though I want to write a bunch of specifically themed captions for these sort of events. Big ones like April Fool's and Halloween will probably stick around though.

I am very sorry for the weird absence of content but it will soon be rectified, hopefully, and going into the new year I'll be posting more on my own schedule, doing captions as I feel like and not trying so hard to hit deadlines. Again, at minimum I'd like to post once a month but realistically next year it will most likely be twice a month posts.

More individual posts also fixes the tag issue. It'll be a lot easier to find more specific content.

Today I've added the missing caption to Cure For Loneliness, a bimbo themed request. Expect in the next few days another caption about an idea I've had kicking around my head for a few weeks. At the beginning of the year I knew Father's Day was going to be a good one. I had a lot of sexy ideas for it. I'm still excited to get those done.

There's a small chance Christmas captions will be made a priority over the back catalogue, not sure.

Anyway, consider this a forum to ask the questions you want answers to. Hopefully this is some good news for my readers.

Regards, a Human Person.


  1. Nice to know you're back, human!

  2. Love you HP! I was worried this was an “I’m outta here” post. Your work is so polished and nuanced, no one is surprised each one takes a long time. Glad to have you back :)

    1. I wrote the "I'm back" part down near the bottom but moved it to the top not to worry anyone. Thank you for the support 💕
