February 2, 2023

An Overdue Update

Okay, so this was going to be a reply to a comment but it got quite long and I realised I had some explaining to do.

Writing these captions takes a lot of effort and I just don't seem to be enjoying it as much anymore. I have, and this isn't an exaggeration, fifty half-written captions. I just can't seem to finish anything.

When I go to write, I end up just designing new captions and planning new stories and the old ones just keep piling up.

I have two hundred and forty captions that have been designed, have images and are just waiting to be written. This doesn't even account for sequels and series that would be considered multiple captions and separate posts. And although not all two hundred and forty are excellent ideas, I've left out the hundred and ten captions in my suspended folder. And the twelve in my requests folder.

As I said, I currently have fifty half-written captions. These are their own separate files that contain the words I'll later place on the captions. So, yes, I'm aware they're piling up and believe me it bothers me as much as it does you... maybe.

All this to say that I have been writing. I just haven't been finishing. I started writing the sequel to Prissi four times with literally three thousand words being scrapped and deemed worthless. Currently Prissi has about twelve hundred words that might make it into the final piece.

I'm not done with this blog just yet. Although blogger has annoyed me, I can't see my own blog without signing in anymore. I've been wanting to write Christmas Debauchery properly and I want there to be a whole Debauchery series so I want to have it out by Valentines with a Valentine's Debauchery to boot.

I'll try to push through this writing funk and get some captions written. I understand the lack of content is frustrating and the blanks are basically adding insult to injury. I know. I'm sorry.

But as of right now this is just a hobby for me. A creative outlet. And I don't want to put undue pressure on myself to get captions out.

Please use this post to voice your concerns or thoughts. If you have quesions, ask them. Let me just leave you with this. I promise you all I'm not going anywhere. I have stories to tell. I love making trans erotica. I have plans for the future. But I am only human and I'm just a bit burnt out.


  1. Hi, I have enjoyed your work, but I have been having a problem with viewing the captions. I see the header but there is no image or caption, This seems to be happening more and more. the last caption I could see was posted on Oct 7,2022 before that was the one posted on August 31st 2022.
    I have tried a different browser and a different computer but always the same problem. Any ideas?

    1. Yea. The author has not published the captions. Its a place marker for when they finally get time to publish it. So yes . Its not a system problem.

  2. All I'd say is to make sure you consciously realize that anything you're feeling is legitimate, and you're allowed to feel it. Annoyance with your audience for always saying "ugh why is this high quality free content not posted at the pace I expect?", annoyance with yourself for struggling to finish even though you're still productive, etc. Feel it all! Sometimes that's all I need to unblock myself. And, the gift of life in an exploding universe is this: a single new caption is great, a whole stream of new captions is great, and no new captions ever again, well, fuck that's great too. You do you because that's the only option.

  3. Like on an airplane put your mask on before helping others, Take care of you! Anyone who doesn't understand that should learn some sympathy, compassion and take look in the mirror. I enjoy your captions very much, but I'd rather have a happy you.

  4. thanks for replying! just glad your ok and not a bot forever placing tags down. take your time, i know of burnout too well and lengths one goes through to try and shake it off.

  5. Thank you all for your support. I'm not going to pretend the blanks aren't annoying but I do appreciate the understanding. I also acknowledge that not being more open about what was going on was probably not the way to do things. I'll try my very best to make sure that the next post is not blank and comes with a content update for previous posts. Check back in on Valentine's Day. <3
